Looking at travel options! You’re in the right place, I’ve traveled all over the world and the United States. I figured I’d share some of that with you. On my page you’ll find travel tips on how to save money and places to go that are definitely worth seeing at least once in a lifetime.

The photo below is one from Rome, Italy. If you’re into history you don’t want to miss Castel Sant’Angelo. Also known as The Mousoleum of Hadrian. The castle is a towering rotunda (cylindrical building) with many stairs leading to the rooftop or underground paths. The best time to visit is around sunset!

This link will tell you more about it. https://castelsantangelorome.com/

This beautiful 2nd-century fortress was once the highest building in Rome. It was initially commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, to be used by his family. Years later the popes used it as a fortress and castle, and currently is open as museum.

If you want more travel posts here is my website link Homelytravler.com